Monthly Archives: September 2018

Easy Ways to Apply the Montessori Philosophy at home

Easy Ways to Apply the Montessori Philosophy at home

The Montessori Philosophy was founded by Maria Montessori. She was Italy’s first female physician whose scientific approach to education was to teach to the individual needs of a child. Her goal was to develop children and their individual personalities using a system that’s focused on using the intellect of a human. She has revolutionized a…

Discipline and Punishment: Understanding the Difference

Discipline and Punishment Understanding the Difference

Too often, parents seek ways to improve their child’s behavior, and when they’re asked which strategies they have used, it is revealed that punishments are the most commonly used method of redirecting a child’s undesired behavior. The differences between punishment and discipline can be subtle at first glance. In fact, they are often interpreted and…

Tips for Teaching Organization to Your Child

Tips for Teaching Organization to Your Child

Organization is a skill that is crucial to success in school, work, and life. Having routines and systems in place can simplify life, decrease anxiety, and increase productivity. As adults, we rely on organization to get through our daily lives…we all have methods of doing our work, maintaining our households, and parenting our children. When…