Monthly Archives: December 2018

9 Ways to Keep Your Child from Getting Sick at School

9 Ways to Keep Your Child from Getting Sick at School

With the start of a new school year, it means that it’s also time to take more care of your child. You wouldn’t want them to miss half their classes because they kept getting sick, right? How to keep your child from getting sick at school? A child spends most of their time at school….

How to Deal with Child Separation Anxiety at Drop Off

How to Deal with Child Separation Anxiety at Drop Off

Preschool is great for kids but the first day can be quite stressful. The first day can be a mix of anxiety and excitement for both the parents and the kids. It’s fun to take on a new adventure but sometimes change can be scary. Dealing with child separation anxiety While a good morning routine…

Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday Season

The winter holidays can be a magical time, filled with wonder, excitement, and treats! For parents, it can be a stressful time that requires juggling house guests, entertainment, shopping, baking along with the responsibilities of daily life. With some careful planning, however, this holiday season can be one of the simplest yet, leaving you time…

Keeping the Kids Entertained During Break

keeping a kid busy!

Whether they’re on Fall, Winter, or Spring Break, kids tend to get restless and misbehave after a few days of unstructured time around the house. However, there are many ways you for keeping kids entertained, busy and learning during the break. All while having fun! The next time your children are home from school, try…