Category Archives: Childcare

How the Montessori Method Promotes Literacy

How the Montessori Method Promotes Literacy

Parents of young children are often bombarded with educational tools to teach their children to read and write. From flashcards to apps, there’s a huge market aimed at creating little geniuses who’ll make it through school with flying colors and become hugely successful adults. Unfortunately, the materials available for little ones can sometimes frustrate rather…

What’s so Special About Montessori Preschool?

What’s so special about Montessori Preschool

If you’re researching preschool, you’ve probably heard the buzz about Montessori. But what’s so special about this particular kind of preschool? It’s a time-tested method, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, based on scientific observation of children, and proven over 100 years of use around the world. Here are some of the factors that set Montessori…