Identifying your Child’s Primary Learning Style

Every child is completely unique in their very own way. They all have different kinds of interests, styles, colors, everything!! This means that they also take in information differently than their peers so their learning styles are going to vary.

Learning techniques that worked great for you may not work for your child. It’s important not to get frustrated if it seems like they just aren’t retaining the material. Finding out your child’s preferred learning style early on can help them make great study habits.

Below are the different types of learning techniques and how to help them study!

Visual Learners:

These learners typically do really well in a modern classroom setting. After all, there are just so many visuals in classrooms – whiteboards, handouts, photos and more!

Visual Learners:

  • Enjoy maps, pictures, and colors
  • Can easily visualize plans, outcomes, and objects in their mind
  • Prefer written instructions
  • Have a great sense of direction
  • Have good dress sense (typically)
  • Enjoy decorating their learning areas
  • Enjoy visual art activities

To maximize great study habits, this trait should:

  • Make flashcards
  • Highlight key points in their notes
  • Create a chart to remind you how to complete math equations
  • Use vocabulary mnemonics

Auditory Learners:

These learners understand new content through listening closely and participating in lectures or group discussions. They like to use repetition and mnemonic devices for good study techniques.

Auditory Learners:

  • Remember discussions very well
  • Expresses interests and enthusiasm verbally
  • Love group discussions
  • Are easily distracted by both noise and silence
  • Like to present dramatically
  • Enjoy music

The best study habits for this trait might include:

  • Reading their notes out loud
  • Having a regular study partner
  • Working in groups
  • Creating a catchy song
  • Mnemonic devices
  • Creating your own acronyms
  • Talking your way through new material


Reading & Writing Learners:

If your child is a natural read & write learner then they tend to learn best through words. They enjoy taking lots of notes and reading in their free time. They’re able to translate a message or concept through words or writing.

Read & Write Learners:

  • Are great with grammar
  • Pay attention to small details
  • Would prefer reading alone than in a group
  • Prefer to use writing to communicate instead of speaking

To be the most efficient in study tactics, it’s best that this trait follows these study techniques:

  • Re-write notes after class
  • Write out ideas or concepts
  • Write out each step of a math problem
  • Write notes to yourself
  • Use colored pens and highlighters
  • Write Repetitively
  • Vocabulary Mnemonics


Kinesthetic learner:

These students tend to learn best through real-life situations and “hands-on” materials. They find it boring to sit behind a desk all day which causes them to be restless.

Kinesthetic Learner:

  • Remember what they do very well
  • Enjoy using computers
  • Have trouble staying still
  • Enjoy hands-on activities
  • Like to eat snacks while studying
  • Take notes to keep busy but won’t really use them

The best study techniques for this learner are:

  • Typing your notes after class
  • Making flashcards
  • Reviewing flashcards at the gym
  • Using the internet to research study material
  • Highlighting notes
  • Using one note card per step when learning new equations
  • Moving around when memorizing

Some students may cross between multiple learning styles. In that case, encourage them to try different techniques until they find one that’s enjoyable and works for them!

AUTHOR: Montessori School of Downtown

It all began over 30 years ago with two newlyweds who were passionate about education. Together, Ms. Rita, a renowned professional educator, and Mr. Hersh, a natural teacher and entrepreneur, created a child care education program that focused on the concept of self-inspired learning.View all posts by Montessori School of Downtown |