Did you know that Dr. Maria Montessori believes that children develop better when they learn through real-life skills and knowledge? As a result, many choose Montessori schools for their children since it has long-term benefits.
You might wonder if Montessori preschools are worth it for your child. There are so many preschools to choose from! Read this guide on the numerous benefits both now and in the long term that your child can experience.
Understanding the Montessori Method
Each classroom has various activities for your child to choose from. Children can decide which activities interest them.
Teachers will move from the groups to observe instead of interrupting. Observation allows them to make changes as necessary to ensure that your child is learning and growing. Teachers try to understand and predict what will happen next.
The Montessori method focuses on the whole student. This includes physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development. You’ll find many sensory-based materials, including sandpaper, geometric solids, etc.
Why Montessori?
The Montessori method focuses on the cognitive, practical, emotional, and social skills of each child. They’ll learn to take care of themselves and their community. Children will develop and learn to have a passion for life-long learning.
Each environment will be prepared for the child and changed as necessary. Montessori believes that pretend play doesn’t have the same benefits as them trying it for themselves. Whether that’s zipping up their coat, washing dishes, or preparing their snacks.
There’s also a limit to technology. It’s not until the older grades that you’ll see more technology. They have computers due to typing instructions.
Each teacher is flexible and will watch each child to ensure that they learn and grow. Once they master 1 activity, teachers will change the environment to offer more options.
Find an accredited Montessori school in your area. The American Montessori Society should give them their accreditation.
It’s Longer Than Preschool Years
From Montessori daycares to middle grades, your child can be a student for years! Montessori believes in multiple-age groupings to help your child learn at a slower, medium, or quicker pace.
No child is judged or put down for learning at a different pace since everyone is unique. Montessori celebrates the individuality and freedom of each child.
Dr. Maria Montessori has 4 periods of growth:
- 0-6 years
- 6-12 years
- 12-18 years
- 18-24 years
Each plane is then divided into sub-planes. For example, children between 0-6 years old are then in 0-3 and 3-6 year sub-planes.
Once your child unlocks their potential in each stage, they’re ready to progress to the next. Younger children find that working together helps them build social structures.
They also experience reasoning and imagination. Due to this, many parents choose to have their children continue Montessori education.
Learning STEM
Children will learn the foundation of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). Through independent play, children can learn about large numbers and addition with materials.
It could lead to an interest in division, multiplication, and subtraction. Science can include zoology, earth science, botany, and the human body.
Children are taught to have respect for nature and find peace within it. Once they reach the higher grades, they can continue to expand on this knowledge.
The Montessori philosophy believes that math encourages critical thinking and logic. It shouldn’t be about memorizing facts. Children can learn about spatial relationships, shapes, and patterns within their environment.
This encourages further learning. Hearing different languages and music is also beneficial. Having structure helps your child learn logical thinking.
STEM Materials
The various materials allow children to self-correct. This helps to stimulate the most advanced thinking in their brain. Children are involved in finding an answer.
They’ll be able to decide whether their conclusion is correct. Adjustments will lead to the answer. Careful preparation of the environment can help with both STEM and language.
Through their environment, they learn new words and must practice them to communicate. Teachers will help this process by introducing new words. This leads to the 3 Period Lesson.
the 3 Period Lesson
Children learn words through the 3 Period Lesson. In the 1st stage, teachers tell the child the object’s name. The teacher will also show them a board with that object.
Next, you’ll want to see if the child recognizes it. The 3rd round is if your child remembers how to say it and what it is.
Global Citizens
Each child will learn to respect and appreciate each culture around the world. Through their environment, they’ll learn to think independently and grow from it. They’ll be excited as they get to choose what they’ll learn.
Children learn that they’re members of society and the world. They’ll be more likely to contribute to society.
Children learn to complete day-to-day tasks, including preparing snacks, zipping jackets, tying, washing hands, cooking, etc. Montessori believes that children prefer real-life activities.
Fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination will both receive improvement. The alphabet, words, and writing letters will be learned at this age.
Since children aren’t interrupted during activities, there’s an improvement in concentration. They’ll learn math and words through bead materials, number rods, etc.
They’ll also learn strong social skills. Pre-Primary programs will prepare them for kindergarten.
In addition, children will learn good manners. They won’t interrupt others, and they’ll say goodbye, hello, and use polite gestures.
Children will learn to clean up after themselves. This includes closing containers, pouring, folding napkins, basting, and more. Peace and awareness for the globe, classroom, and inner-self are all important.
Social Interactions
Since children of multiple ages are often placed together, they can learn from each other. It could lead to growth that might not occur in a traditional classroom. Inclusion and acceptance are common interactions.
Children will still be able to learn at their own pace. They’ll have activities, materials, and lessons available for use.
No Rewards or Punishment To Control
Children will always receive respect. Teachers will determine what’s wrong, whether a child is hungry, tired, or pushing the boundaries.
A teacher will decide if there needs to be a change in the environment, or they’ll be educated on problem-solving. Children won’t receive shame or criticism for feeling a certain way.
Children Learn Self-Discipline
Through activities, children learn self-discipline. Children decide how long to work on each activity. Once they dive deep into 1 activity, they can choose another.
There are specific rules that they’ll need to follow. This teaches your child self-discipline, motivation, and self-control.
When children are done with 1 activity, they’ll put it away where it belongs. This also fosters self-discipline. When they’re in an orderly and neat area, they’re more likely to learn.
Sensory Skills
Sensory play helps children develop motor and language skills. It can help with both the proprioception and vestibular sense.
Once children learn self-discipline, they can move on to sensorial materials. Sensorial materials include the sound of birds, smells, etc. Children can develop security, self-esteem, confidence, and practical intelligence.
Through the senses, children create order in the natural world. Teachers will isolate specific concepts to better understand their environment. Some examples include tasting bottles, smooth boards, and triangle boxes.
Sensorial materials allow children to develop attention and could lead to writing, math, and reading. Children will complete materials top to bottom and left to right to prepare them.
Through sensory skills, they’ll learn control of error and isolation of difficulty. These allow your child to make adjustments to complete the work and decide the pace of learning.
Children Will Develop a Passion for Learning
Dr. Montessori’s approach is to instill a love for learning in each child. Children become curious about the world around them, and it becomes a life-long process. They learn to connect with various people who present different situations and ideas.
Special Needs Inclusion
Since each group contains multiple ages, children with special needs can go at their pace. It’s a safe and stable environment for all.
They won’t feel pressure to keep up with their peers. Instead, they’ll enjoy the freedom to go at a comfortable pace for them.
Children Learn To Write
Children learn to write before reading. Pencil grip and fine motor skills are learned before how to put letter sounds together.
Once they can build words and write letters, reading is much easier. Many students leave Montessori as proficient writers and beginning readers. This is accomplished without pressuring children.
Understanding if Montessori Preschools Are Worth It
After exploring this guide, you should better understand why Montessori preschools are beneficial for children. Are you ready to get started?
Contact us today! You’ll be able to schedule a tour of 1 of the many campuses in the area. We’ll answer any questions that you have along the way.