Understanding Your Baby’s Cough

Realizing that your baby has developed a cough can be alarming. On top of that, it’s often tough to determine the cause of your baby’s cough and how serious the condition is. Before you get too worried, remember that cough on its own is often not a sign of severe illness. Coughs are the body’s…

Your Guide to Improve Your Toddlers Communication Skills

One of the greatest things about being a parent is seeing your little one grow and develop right before your eyes. It can be a bittersweet feeling, seeing your sweet precious baby outgrow their toddler clothes. But nonetheless, the process is crucial to their development. And while almost every little thing you do with them…

How To Overcome Challenging Behavior

Throwing tantrums, hitting, biting, screaming, and other less than adorable behavior is normal for toddlers. The cause for this behavior can include biological reasons, like being hungry or overtired. They can also include emotional reasons, like not being able to cope with or describe their feelings. Their environment can also influence behavior. Sure, it’s expected…

Is Cuddling Your Baby Too Much Bad

Is Cuddling Your Baby Too Much Bad?

If you just can’t resist snuggling and cuddling your baby at all times, we really don’t blame you! Their scent, smooth skin, and chubby cheeks are completely irresistible. But, aside from the physical attraction, did you know that there are more psychological and developmental reasons for you to cuddle your baby?  We’ve all had that…

Are Sippy Cups Hurting Your Child?

As parents, we all want what is best for our children. However, with so many different feeding products available, it’s easy for us to unknowingly make bad choices. Sippy cups are great for children because they don’t tend to spill. Also because it’s a good transition from a bottle or breast since it requires them…